Research Areas
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1. Dr. Marioara Avram - CS I, modelling, simulation, design, micro-processing and characterization of lab-on-a-chip microfluidic devices with integrated biosensors;
2. Dr. Cătălin Valentin Marculescu - CS III, modelling and simulation of Newtonian and Non-Newtonian fluid flow, implementation of user defined functions for setting additional flow parameters;
3. PhD. Vasilica Tucureanu - CS III, chemist, synthesis of nanostructured inorganic materials, study of hybrid nanocomposites, thermal processes, electrochemistry, analytical chemistry, substrate configuration;
4. Dr. Alina Matei – CS III, chemical engineer, synthesis of nanostructured materials and hybrid nanocomposites, thermal processes and characterization of nanomaterials;
5. PhD Student Tiberiu Alecu Burinaru - Research assistant, nanofluidics modelling on biomolecular interactions.
6. PhD Student Cătălina Bianca Ţîncu - Research assistant, experimental set-up for the characterization and testing of biosensors integrated on microfluidic platforms; synthesis and characterization of carbon nanomaterials.
7. Dr. Petruţa Preda - CS, graduate in Biochemistry and PhD in Biology; synthesis of polymeric biomaterials, physico-chemical analysis and their biological characterization; determination of antimicrobial activity, biocompatibility.
8. PhD Student Eugen Chiriac – Research assistant, modelling and numerical simulation of fluid flow in microfluidic and dielectrophoretic systems; microfluidic systems design; lithography soft; transparent micro-fabrication.

Marioara Avram
Catalin Marculescu
Bianca-Catalina Tincu
Tiberiu Burinaru
Date of birth: January 17.1958
Nationality: Romanian
Date of birth: May 29.1981
Nationality: Romanian

Date of birth: 07/05/1992
Nationality: Romanian

Date of birth: 27/10/1988
Nationality: Romanian

  • the average age of the team members is 35 years.
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Date of birth: January 17.1958
Nationality: Romanian

Dr. Marioara Avram (

BACKGROUND (click for complete C.V. and for the list of publications)

2009-present: Project manager, Senior Scientific Researcher - IMT Bucharest - Scientific interests in micro and nanofluidics, lab-on-a-chip systems, BioMEMS, magnetic immunoassay, process engineering (plasma etching) within the Project SOP-IEC, O.2.1.2 No. 209, ID 665, Microfluidic factory for assisted self-assembly of nanosystems (MICRONANOFAB), 2009-2013,

2007-2009: Project manager, Senior Scientific Researcher - IMT Bucharest
1996-2007: Project manager, Principal Scientific Researcher - IMT Bucharest
1990-1996: Project manager, Principal Scientific Researcher - Research Institute for Electronic Components, Bucharest
2000-2004: PhD Degree - POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest
1988-1994: Bachelors Degree - Engineer, Faculty of Automatics and Computers, Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest
1977-1982: Bachelors Degree - Applied Physicist, Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest

Short description

Senior Researcher in the Micro and Nano Fluidics Laboratory, National Institute for R&D in Microtechnologies (IMT-Bucharest); BSc, MSc, Physics, University of Bucharest, 1982; BSc, MSc, Computer Science, University Politehnica Bucharest, 1994; PhD in Electrical Engineering, summa cum laudae, University Politehnica of Bucharest, 2004. Scientific Activities and Responsibilities: Fundamental and applied research with defined innovation objectives; microfluidics, dedicated microstructures, semiconductor sensors for weak magnetic field, surface functionalization. Initiator, principal investigator and manager for several national excellence research projects. Co-investigator for several national and international projects. Research project management - all aspects: scientific guidance, human and financial resources, optimization of communication and task allocation, general supervision, publishing and patenting strategy; training lectures and talks. Development and promotion of scientific partnerships in multidisciplinary research, national and international; Journal reviews: reviewer for following journals: Sensors and Actuators A; Microelectronic Engineering; Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. The WIPO Award for the Best Women Inventor for my invention “Bipolar Magnetotransistor with Enhanced Emitter Injection Modulation and Carrier Deflection, International Exhibition of Inventions, Geneva and Bucharest, October 2006. Gold Medal, for the invention “Microfabrication Procedure for a Spin Valve Magnetotransistor”, International Exhibition of Inventions, Geneva, 2007 and EUREKA, Brussels 2008.

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Date of birth: May 29.1981
Nationality: Romanian

Catalin Marculescu (

BACKGROUND (click for complete C.V. and for the list of publications)

2011-present: Post-Doc Position in Laboratory of Micro and Nano Fluidics – L10, IMT Bucharest - with main  interests in design, model and numerical simulation of micro scale devices for characteristic microfluidic applications implemented within the Project SOP-IEC, O.2.1.2 No. 209, ID 665, Microfluidic factory for assisted self-assembly of nanosystems (MICRONANOFAB), 2009-2013,

2010-2011: Project manager for SC Inform Lykos SA
2009-2010: CFD Consulting engineer for Virtual-Ing SRL
2007-2008: Project director for CNCSIS (The National University Research Council)  TD research grant
2005-2009: PhD student on ‘Hydrodynamics of a chemical reactor for polymerization’, POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest in co-tutelle with University Claude Bernard Lyon 1
2000-2005: BEng Mechanics, POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest

Short description

Catalin Marculescu is an Assistant Researcher in the Micro and Nano-Fluidics Laboratory from the National Institute for Research and Development in Microtechnologies (IMT Bucharest). He has a PhD degree in Fluid Mechanics and Rheology at University Politehnica of Bucharest, Faculty of Power Engineering, Hydraulics Department, Reorom Group, in co-tutelage with University Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Laboratory of Multimaterials and Interfaces, with two research stages at the latter institution. Also prior to IMT employment, he was employed as CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) Consulting Engineer at a specialized consulting company. His present main duties are phenomenological modeling using the commercial numerical code FLUENT, complex geometry and mesh generation, post-processing data in specialized software, corroborated with experimental studies related to fluid flows in micro-channels. The main tasks as a L10 member are related to the phenomenological modeling and experimental investigations.

Ph.D. Thesis: Hydrodynamic study of a chemical reactor for polymerization with applications in the preceramic polymers technology.

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Short description of the team and its mission

The Micro- and Nano- Fluidics Laboratory is a direct result of the implementation of the POS CCE 209 project, co-funded from the European Fund for Regional Development. It was formed in August 2010 and it’s composed of five researchers.

General information about the lab personnel is presented below:

  • Main areas of expertise can be classified as:
  1. experimental nano- and micro- fluidics:  cleanroom processes and chemical procedures for microfluidics; design, fabrication, characterization and simulation of MEMS; micro-PIV measurements - velocity profiles in microchannels; immiscible fluid flows in microchannels; surface tension measurements; hydrodynamic characterization of vortical structure formed in microbifurcations; micro flow visualizations;
  2. modeling, simulation and analysis of nano- and micro- fluidic phenomena Newtonian and non-Newtonian flows:  Phenomenological modeling: single phase and multiphase flows, mixing, turbulence, heat transfer, diffusion process in microchannels, reactions for industrial applications, user defined function implementation for additional flow parameters setting, shear thinning behavior of non-Newtonian fluid flows (with different generalized Newtonian models); complex geometry and mesh generation: 2D and 3D models with structured grids (quadratic and hexahedral finite elements) and unstructured meshes (triangular and tetrahedral, prismatic and polyhedral finite elements), automated scripts for the geometry and mesh generation; post-processing data in specialized software: 2D and 3D physical characterization (e.g. pressure, velocity distributions, streamtraces representations, vectors distributions, etc), particle tracking, 2D and 3D plots, histograms, fluxes and forces reports, automated script generation for all the post-processing data;

Based on its multidisciplinary background and experience, the team aims towards major scientific achievements and recognition in the following areas:

  • Creation of a lab-on-a-chip systems with extensive applicative potential;
  • Modelling of the molecular transport in biological fluids and the physico-chemical modelling of the biological material / substrate interface used for the realization of microfluidic devices;
  • Studies and preliminary experiments on superparamagnetic nanoparticles integration in microfluidic systems;
  • Design and simulation of the micro-nanotechnologies needed to realize integrated lab-on-a-chip system;
  • The development of a magnetophoretic platforms which can be easily integrated into lab-on-a-chips with other subcomponents;
  • The development and characterization of the microfluidics which can deliver multiple solutions for magnetic nanoparticles based immunoassays;


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Last update: November, 2015